
Program highlights

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In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received His Excellency Mr Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, High Commissioner for Pakistan to Australia and Dr Sabina Zahid for a Courtesy Call. In the afternoon, His Honour and Ms Jones received Ms Bilawara Lee (Aunty B), Senior Larrakia Elder and Larrakia Academic in Residence, Charles Darwin University for a Courtesy Call. Later, the Vice Regal couple received His Excellency Mr Kazuhiro Suzuki, Ambassador of Japan to Australia, for a Courtesy Call.


In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones officially welcomed and presented the 2023 Seniors of Excellence NT Award, at the Marrara Sporting Complex. Afterwards, His Honour, as Patron accompanied by Ms Jones, attended and delivered an address at the Volunteers Thank You reception for the Darwin Festival, at the Moonlight Lounge at Festival Park.


In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones attended the Mad Hatters Seniors High Tea for the Casuarina Lions Club and Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory Inc., at Project 21, in Coconut Grove.


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, as Patron and Ms Ruth Jones received Mr Steve Vitone, Chief Executive Officer, Carers NT Limited for a Courtesy Call. Subsequently, His Honour and Ms Jones hosted a morning tea at Government House for students from Palmerston College. In the evening, the Administrator and Ms Jones attended a Graduation ceremony for the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services Recruit Auxiliary Squad 80 at the Peter McAulay Centre


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received Mr Justin Mohamed, First Nations Ambassador for a Courtesy Call. In the evening, His Honour and Ms Jones attended a Parade for the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service Recruit Squad 48 Graduation at the Woolner Fire Station.


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received His Excellency Mr Abdulla Al Subousi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Australia for a Courtesy Call. In the evening, His Honour conducted a National Emergency Service Medal Investiture Ceremony for Bushfires Northern Territory at Government House.


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, as Patron and Ms Ruth Jones received Mrs Lauren Winter, Territorial President and Mrs Kaylene Conlan Treasurer/Territory Administration, Country Women's Association of the Northern Territory for a Courtesy Call. Subsequently, His Honour and Ms Jones received His Excellency Mr Davaasuren Damdinsuren, Ambassador of Mongolia in Australia, accompanied by his wife Mrs Dulamsuren Javzandulam, son Mr Suld-Od Davaasuren and Mr Munkhbayar Erdenejav, Second Secretary for a Courtesy Call. In the evening, the Administrator and Ms Jones hosted a reception at Government House to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Legacy Northern Territory and the Launch of Legacy Week.


In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones participated at a High Tea Fundraiser for the McGrath Foundation, hosted by the Country Women's Association of the Northern Territory, Litchfield Branch


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones as Patron, attended the new St John Ambulance Australia (NT) in Winnellie where Ms Jones officially opened the facility. In the evening, His Honour and Ms Jones attended the Vietnam Veterans Day commemoration service at Reg Hillier House.


In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones hosted Yoga on the Terrace at Government House. Afterwards, His Honour and Ms Jones received Lieutenant Colonel Jean Roy, Commanding Officer, Regimental Sergeant Major David Shultz, 4th Canadian Ranger Patrol Group accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Medlin and Warrant Officer Class 1 Benjamin Read, North West Mobile Force for a Courtesy Call. The Canadian Ranger Patrol Group are similar to NORFORCE in Australia. Subsequently, the Administrator, as Patron and Ms Jones received Mr Barry Thomas, President and newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Mr Kerry Whiting, HPA Incorporated for a Courtesy Call.