Program highlights
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received the outgoing Commanding Officer Colonel Brendan Sullivan and the incoming Commanding Officer Colonel Brian Mulvihill, United States Marine Rotation Corp, Darwin, for a Courtesy Call.
In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones, hosted a breakfast in recognition of Father’s Day, at Government House.
In the afternoon, His Honour, as Patron, and Ms Jones received Mrs Helen Summers, Vice Chair, Mrs Shipra Soni, Board Member and Treasurer and Mrs Anna McDonald, Chief Executive Officer, Australia Day Council of the Northern Territory for a Courtesy Call.
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received Dr Donna Odegaard AM, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal Broadcasting Australia for a Courtesy Call.
In the evening, His Honour and Ms Ruth Jones hosted a welcome reception at Government House for the Australian Medical Students Association Rural Health Summit.