In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones, attended a tour and briefing of Moulden Park School, in Moulden.
29 Nov 2023
In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, as Patron, accompanied by Ms Ruth Jones, officially opened and unveiled a plaque, at the Carers NT Howard Springs Wellbeing Centre.
28 Nov 2023
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, received Mr Craig Graham, Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance, for a Courtesy Call.
27 Nov 2023
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, received Mr Shaun Drabsch, Chief Executive Officer, Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, for a Courtesy Call.
26 Nov 2023
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, as Patron, and Ms Ruth Jones, attended the Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory Christmas Party, at the Darwin Turf Club.
25 Nov 2023
In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Ms Jones, attended a tour and briefing of the 48th edition “Katherine Prize” art exhibition, at the Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts Gallery.
24 Nov 2023
In the morning, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Ms Jones, attended further tours and briefings of 75 Squadron, by Wing Commander Fiona Pearce and Warrant Officer Jason Pyke.
23 Nov 2023
His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Ms Ruth Jones, undertook official travel to Katherine.
21 Nov 2023
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, accompanied by Ms Ruth Jones, attended the President's Lunch hosted by Hospitality Northern Territory.
20 Nov 2023
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, and Ms Ruth Jones, received Mr Richard Cowin, Consul-General of the United Kingdom for Queensland and Northern Territory, for a Courtesy Call.