Program highlights
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones attended a tour and briefing of the exhibition, 40: Celebrating four decades of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards at the Museum and Art Gallery Northern Territory.
In the evening, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory, accompanied by Ms Ruth Jones, announced the Flash Fiction Award winner, at The Northern Territory Literary Awards 2023 presentation ceremony, at Parliament House.
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones attended a tour and briefing of the exhibition ‘Celebrating four decades of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art’, at the Museum and Art Gallery Northern Territory.
In the afternoon, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones received His Excellency Mr Zsolt Csenger-Zalán, Ambassador of Hungary to Australia for a Courtesy Call.
In the evening, His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones hosted a State Dinner at Government House, for Senior Defence Force Officer’s in the Northern Territory.