Henry Ernest Carey

Appointed: 1 August 1919 to 17 January 1921
Date of birth: 11 November 1874
Place of birth: Tiverton, Devon, England
Employment history
- 1894 to 1900 - Clerical secretarial work with Britain post office
- 1900 to 1907 – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, New Zealand
- 1907 to 1909 - Dominion newspaper in Wellington
- 1909 to 1911 - Fresh Food & Ice Company in Wellington
- 1912 - Government Secretary to Dr Gilruth in Darwin and Curator of Darwin Botanical Gardens
- 1915 - Ex officio member Darwin Town Council
- Press Censor, Director of Agriculture, Director of Lands
- 1916 to 1917 - Acted in capacity of Administrator during Gilruth’s absences from the NT
- 1918 - Manager of Northern Agency Pty Ltd - the management company of Vestey’s in Darwin
- 1919 - Appointed Director of the Northern Territory 1 August 1919 by the Federal Government with an advisory council to assist and the position of Administrator was temporarily abolished
Subsequent career
- Returned to New Zealand
- Commercial Manager and Head Reader of the Taranaki Daily News in New Plymouth until 1948