
11 March 2025

His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie AO PSM, Administrator of the Northern Territory and Ms Ruth Jones, undertook official travel to the Tiwi Islands.

In the morning, His Honour and Ms Jones, attended a Welcome to Country reception and morning tea, at the Welcome Centre.

Subsequently, the Administrator and Ms Jones, attended a tour and briefing of the CatholicCare Northern Territory Jirnani Childcare Centre.

Next, the Vice Regal couple, attended a tour and briefing of CatholicCare and of the Ngaruwanajirri Art Centre.

Later, His Honour and Ms Jones, attended a tour and briefing of the Patakijiyali Museum with Sister Anne Gardiner AM.

In the afternoon, the Administrator and Ms Jones, attended a luncheon with the Tiwi Islands Regional Council, at the Welcome Centre.

Subsequently, the Vice Regal couple, attended a tour and briefing of the Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic Primary School, a tour and briefing of Xavier Catholic College Primary School, the Tiwi Islands Training Employment Board and the Tiwi Islands Football League.